Codeium Changelog

Follow @codeiumdev
November 2, 2023
Codeium Command is now in open beta and GPT-4 is available in Chat. (v1.4.8)

What's New with Codeium v1.4.8

Codeium Command Open Beta ✨

Codeium Command is out of pre-release and now in open beta, available for everyone to use! Command is a new way to generate code directly in-editor based on your command. Just open the command prompt (Ctrl+I or ⌘+I for Mac), enter a command, and watch Codeium code for you!

New in v1.4.8: Highlight a selection before opening the command prompt, and Codeium Command will edit your selected code. Select the code you want to update and use it just the same as generation (Ctrl+I or ⌘+I for Mac).

We would love to hear your feedback on our Discord.

Codeium 🤝 GPT-4

We are thrilled to announce GPT-4 enabled Codeium Chat. This has been long requested feature and we're ready to unveil it to a select group of beta testers. We're looking for users to join our early access group to provide feedback so that we can make sure this integration is as effective and useful as possible.

We will be granting access on a rolling basis so please fill out the form at:

Previous Releases

October 25, 2023
Codeium v1.4.2
Chat about functions / classes with @. Public profiles with achievements launched.
October 2, 2023
Codeium v1.2.97
Tag functions directly in chat using @. Codeium readme badges available.